About us
The vision of Restore Hetch Hetchy is to return to the people Yosemite Valley’s lost twin, Hetch Hetchy – a majestic glacier-carved valley with towering cliffs and waterfalls, an untamed place where river and wildlife run free, a new kind of national park.
The mission of Restore Hetch Hetchy is to return the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park to its natural splendor ─ while continuing to meet the water and power needs of all communities that depend on the Tuolumne River.
Our mission and vision.
Hetch Hetchy was once a majestic glacier-carved valley and home of Indigenous peoples; its beauty famously compared to Yosemite Valley.
Our commitment to creating a park for everybody.
Principles which govern our operations.
Our blog
Our flagship blog features analysis of news from our staff and announcements of upcoming events.
San Francisco Chronicle – surprising results for Hetch Hetchy water taste test
The San Francisco Chronicle’s headline reads: “San Francisco’s famous water was put to a taste test. The results are surprising.” The full article...
Sacramento Bee Opinion: San Francisco uses the ocean as its toilet and wants to flush a key environmental law
Pulitzer prize winning journalist Tom Philp keynoted Restore Hetch Hetchy's Annual Dinner Saturday night at the Lafayette Veterans Memorial Center....
Raw Sewage: San Francisco Challenges Clean Water Act at Supreme Court
When it rains hard in San Francisco, raw sewage flows into the Bay.
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