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We are repeating our request from September 1 to tell the National Park Service to consider Hetch Hetchy carefully as it considers a reservation system for the entire park. It is essential that a reservation system consider that Hetch Hetchy has its own entrance and that its peak use periods differ from those of the rest of the park. A one size fits all solution would shortchange park visitors. Our September 1 blog is posted as is Restore Hetch Hetchy’s own letter.

Most simply, you can weigh in online. Below, in boldface type, we are providing sample text that you can copy into the National Park Service form (as always feel free to say it however you like, but please weigh in if you have not already done so).

  • The preferred “Alternative B” would affect access to Hetch Hetchy at times when overcrowding is of little or no concern. The National Park Service should require reservations throughout the park (including Hetch Hetchy) on weekends in late spring, but eliminate restrictions at Hetch Hetchy during the summer season.
  • The NPS should provide public transportation to Hetch Hetchy. It is the only entrance to Yosemite without public transportation.
  • The NPS should allow all visitors to camp at the Hetch Hetchy Campground. Furthermore, the campground and its restroom should be upgraded to the standards found elsewhere in the park.
  • The National Park Service should change its policy to allow boating and fishing at Hetch Hetchy.

Please copy and submit here.

Comments are due September 30 – why not do it now? Thanks for you help!