Estate Planning

The restoration of Hetch Hetchy can be a part of your legacy. By including Restore Hetch Hetchy in your will or trust, you can make an impact on the future of Yosemite National Park for generations to come.
We’re grateful to our supporters who have joined our Legacy Circle, and we recognize them for their everlasting commitment to restoring Hetch Hetchy.
There are several ways to include Restore Hetch Hetchy in your estate planning. For more information, read below.
Why it Matters
Restore Hetch Hetchy continues in our mission because of the support we’ve received, much of which has been long-term from those who have shared our vision for many years. There is still much to do, and we rely on that enduring support to keep fighting for the future restoration of the valley.
Planned giving is a meaningful way to continue to support our efforts after your lifetime. Our mission for restoration spans many generations beginning at the damming of the valley in 1913. When we win, it will ultimately become a multi-generational success affecting many lives to come.
How it Works
Some of the ways you can include Restore Hetch Hetchy in your estate planning include:
- Naming us as a beneficiary in your will or living trust
- Designating us as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy
- Creating a charitable trust that benefits Restore Hetch Hetchy
Review sample language by clicking here.
Tax Benefits
In addition to helping us secure the future restoration of Hetch Hetchy, your bequest may also offer tax benefits. Please consult with your financial or legal advisor to discuss the tax benefits of making a charitable bequest.
Thank you for considering a bequest to Restore Hetch Hetchy. Your generosity will help us accomplish our mission to restore Hetch Hetchy to its natural splendor. We understand that estate planning is a personal matter; we are committed to working with you and your advisors to create a plan that works for you. If you have any questions or want to learn more about including Restore Hetch Hetchy in your will or trust, please contact us.
(510) 893-3400
Tax identification number: EIN # 77-0551533