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Restore Hetch Hetchy promotes restoring Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite Valley’s lost twin, to its natural splendor; a majestic glacial-carved valley with towering cliffs and waterfalls where river and wildlife run free.
Hetch Hetchy can be a new kind of national park, with limited development, an improved visitor experience, shared stewardship with native peoples, and permanent protection of its natural and cultural heritage for future generations.
We urge San Francisco to pursue system improvements so Hetch Hetchy Reservoir can be moved without any loss of water supply or electric power production.
We urge San Francisco, the State of California and the United States Congress to return Hetch Hetchy to all people.
Please support this historic campaign. Sign up to receive email updates. Contribute if you can. And please spread the word to your friends and family who care about our national parks and want to make Yosemite National Park whole once again.
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