Westbound sign
NEW signs direct visitors to Hetch Hetchy – Yippee!
We’re pleased as punch to see the new signs on highway 120 which highlight Yosemite National Park’s Hetch Hetchy Entrance. After Restore Hetch Hetchy encouraged National Park Service to OK the design, Caltrans was happy to install the signs.
The signs are on both the eastbound and westbound lanes of Highway 120, both located just outside Yosemite’s Big Oak Flat entrance. The eastbound sign instructs visitors that Yosemite Valley can be reached by traveling 25 miles straight ahead on Highway 120 or the Hetch Hetchy Entrance can be reached by turning left and traveling 9 miles on the Evergreen Road.
Perhaps some travelers waiting in the long lines that often form at the Big Oak Flat Entrance will decide to make that left hand turn and explore Hetch Hetchy – we hope they do.

Photos: Peter Van Kuran
The westbound sign will catch the attention of visitors leaving the national park through the Big Oak Flat gate and show them that the Evergreen Road leads to another park entrance. The sign will encourage some people to take a side trip, either on the spur of the moment or at a later date.
We’re pleased. We want people to travel to Hetch Hetchy – to see its beauty, to learn its story, and to advocate for restoration.
These signs will make a big difference.