Restore Hetch Hetchy has joined two dozen businesses and organizations to support fishing at Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. See our group letter to the National Park Service.

Technically, fishing is not prohibited. A sign in the parking lot says fishing is indeed allowed from the bank of the reservoir (with artificial lures). But several official National Park Service documents prohibit visitors from going below the high water mark of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir! Given that the reservoir is rarely full, it is not permissible to go anywhere near the water. If you cannot go near the water, how can you fish?

It makes no sense.

Photo: Phil Akers,

Banning access below the high water mark goes far beyond anything Congress contemplated when it debated and ultimately passed the Raker Act. Further, the Raker Act precludes the National Park Service from adding additional restrictions to protect water quality beyond specified criteria prohibiting bathing, washing dishes and human waste etc.

We are pleased to work with the business and organizations listed below, and we are hopeful that the National Park Service will modify this senseless policy in short order.

Aspen Outdoor Management Services ◊ California Sportfishing Protection Alliance Echo Cooperative ◊ Evergreen Lodge, Rush Creek Lodge & Firefall Ranch ◊ Fly Fisherman Magazine ◊ Friends of the River ◊ Merced Fly Fishers ◊  Nesporado Fly Fishing Northern California Council, Fly Fishers International  Pasadena Casting Club ◊ Restore Hetch Hetchy  Santa Barbara Fly Fishers ◊ Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club Sierra Nevada Alliance Sonora Fly Company ◊ Stanislaus Fly Fishers ◊ Tight Line Therapy ◊  Trout Unlimited ◊ Trout Unlimited Central Sierra Chapter Tuolumne River Trust ◊ Yosemite Fly Fishing ◊ Yosemite Fly Fishing Guides ◊ Yosemite Adventure Guides ◊ Yosemite Outfitters