Our blog
Our flagship blog features analysis of news from our staff and announcements of upcoming events.
Wapama’s new bridge – hooray!
Yosemite's waterfalls are world famous, and rightly so. The eponymous Yosemite Falls, as well as Vernal, Nevada, Bridalveil, Ribbon and so many...
Insults to Hetch Hetchy and to today’s Rangers
Our campaign to restore Hetch Hetchy is deeply rooted in the sanctity of our national parks, that Hetch Hetchy’s damming was a singular historic...
Yosemite is an unfortunate pawn of federal cost-cutting
The National Park Service has long faced challenges retaining competent staff to run Yosemite. But recent actions taken by the “department” of...
Join us at Hetch Hetchy April 26-27
The Restore Hetch Hetchy board and staff will be visiting Hetch Hetchy April 26-27. Early spring, just after Earth Day and John Muir's birthday, is...
Conversation with Robert Hanna – John Muir’s Great-Great-Grandson
We had a chance to sit down and record a podcast with perhaps our most passionate ally - Robert Hanna, John Muir's great-great-grandson. We covered...
Encouraging legislation for improved access
Restore Hetch Hetchy wrote to Congressman McClintock and his cosponsors last week, encouraging them to continue to pursue legislation to improve...
Supreme Court rules for San Francisco, against EPA, in wastewater case
In a 5-4 ruling, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency exceeded its authority in its efforts to keep San...
Remembering George “not the Congressman” Miller
"Retired guy" was George Miller's way of answering the phone. He and his partners had been successful in the investment business and had agreed to...
Transitions in Washington and Yosemite
Leadership changes are afoot within the Department of Interior and the National Park Service. Staff at either agency has the ability to effect long...
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