Our blog
Our flagship blog features analysis of news from our staff and announcements of upcoming events.
Fire, Water and Facts
As devastating fires in Los Angeles continue to burn, too many politicians and keyboard warriors are making irresponsible assertions about the...
Hetch Hetchy legislation introduced
It’s always great to see elected officials take an interest in improving the situation at Hetch Hetchy. Congressman Tom McClintock, whose district...
Is San Francisco opening its mind on groundwater?
Most of California’s largest urban water systems have invested in groundwater recharge programs in rural regions. Restore Hetch Hetchy’s Yosemite's...
Making a Difference on Giving Tuesday
As Pulitzer Prize winner Tom Philp proclaimed at our Annual Dinner last month, "The highest and best use of Hetch Hetchy Valley is still...
Fall 2024 Newsletter
Our Fall 2024 Newsletter is out. If you'd like a printed copy but haven't received one, send your name and address to admin@hetchhetchy.org. We are...
San Francisco Chronicle – surprising results for Hetch Hetchy water taste test
The San Francisco Chronicle’s headline reads: “San Francisco’s famous water was put to a taste test. The results are surprising.” The full article...
Sacramento Bee Opinion: San Francisco uses the ocean as its toilet and wants to flush a key environmental law
Pulitzer prize winning journalist Tom Philp keynoted Restore Hetch Hetchy's Annual Dinner Saturday night at the Lafayette Veterans Memorial Center....
Raw Sewage: San Francisco Challenges Clean Water Act at Supreme Court
When it rains hard in San Francisco, raw sewage flows into the Bay.
Hetch Hetchy and Recreation at Large Reservoirs in California
58 out of 60 large reservoirs in California allow both fishing and boating. Only Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite National Park and Lake Matthews...
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