Restore Hetch Hetchy’s vision – to return to the people Yosemite Valley’s lost twin, Hetch Hetchy – a majestic glacier-carved valley with towering cliffs and waterfalls, an untamed place where river and wildlife run free, a new kind of national park – is twofold. The first step is to replace the water and power needs of all communities that depend on the Tuolumne River. The second step is to steward the valley for future generations.
We honor those who have included Restore Hetch Hetchy in their wills, trusts or estate plans as Hetch Hetchy Visionaries.
Hetch Hetchy Visionaries
- Marilyn Brown
- Dorothy Jean Bobbitt
- Roger and Margaret Ball Harmon
- Ellis and Deb Jones
- John and Jan Le Pouvoir
- Donald W. Leonard
- Martha Mallery
- Herb and Linda McGrew
- Mark Palley
- Spreck and Isabella Rosekrans
- Jim Ross
- Jonas Waxman
- Roger Williams
- Harold Wood
Restore Hetch Hetchy is also grateful to the following individuals who have inspired memorial gifts in their name.
Memorial Gifts
- John Boles
- Jerry Cadagan (former board chair of Restore Hetch Hetchy)
- Warren Cederborg
- Matthew Cunningham
- Vincent & Mary Custodio
- Bob Harper
- Terry Kurfess
- Susan Alison Lesch
- Christopher David Jarvis
- Don Pitts
- Raymond Ribaric
- Harold Thorne
Make your future gift, support our work today!